** Judges, please make sure that you arrive on time.  If a judge doesn't appear, then I have to drop two or three teams of students from the competition. Type your paragraph here.

Regional Qualifier to the National Championship -  Feb 24 & Feb 25

at Colonial HS


28  Jan 2024


Hello Everyone,

We are looking forward to our qualifier to NCFL Nationals  (NFCFL Grand Finals) which will be held at Colonial High School on the afternoon/evening of Friday, Feb. 23rd and all day Saturday, Feb. 24th.  The top 6 qualifiers in each eligible event will have the opportunity to compete representing our region at the NCFL National Championship (CatNats) in Chicago, IL over Memorial Day Weekend this May.  



In preparation, here are a couple reminders... 

1 -- if you are interested, please see me to see if you qualify.  You have to have competed at two regional events and in your category at least once during this season.

2 – I will not be attending the qualifier as I have a prior engagement out of state.  If you wish to attend, your parent will need to take you and be your judge.

3 – if you are fortunate enough to qualify in the top six spots, you will earn a bid to attend the national championship.  Anyone who gets a bid, but decides later that they cannot attend, will incur a $600 drop fee paid to the league.  The reasoning is that many students covet these bids, and it’s unfair for you to receive a bid and waste it. If you have any questions, please see me.  Again, this is a district policy and not mine.

4 – if you receive a bid, your parent will be obligated to arrange your trip to Chicago and be your representative judge.  National competition is no longer considered a school sponsored event so I will not be in attendance.

5 – your parent judge will need to complete the NSDA judge training online course (about twenty minutes of time) and send your completion certificate to me prior to registering for the NSFL qualifier at Colonial HS.  Your judge will have also needed to have judged at least one event this season as well. The league requires trained judges for this event since the kids have been working hard all year and deserve a properly trained judge.

Please contact me to let me know if you have an interest in having your student attend. If so, I will need your judge certification paperwork by Feb 9th. 

** this will be a non-LMHS team sponsored event as I will be out of the state this weekend and cannot supervise.  Any participant will need to be supervised and transported by the student's parent.  No student may attend without a parent supervising.  **

If you have any questions, please email me at shawn_crisp  @       scps.fl.k12.us

I think that’s it for now.  If you have any further questions, please let me know.




Shawn Crisp

Jouralism - Debate